Damai Beach is around 30 km from Kuching town. Driving time is a leisurely 30 min. It is a popular holiday destination for Kuchingites as well as tourists. The setting for the beach is quite beautiful, with the majestic Mount Santubong in the background. The sand is white, and the sea a nice shade of blue.
This is a big resort with over 200 rooms. The rooms are mainly accommodated in 4-storey wings on both sides of the reception. Besides the main coffee house, there are a few other F&B outlets including an Asian restaurant and a snack bar.
The view from our room.
The original lagoon style main pool has been replaced with an infinity pool. To me the original pool design was much nicer. One big problem was the lush landscape had been mostly removed. The views to the sea are better, but it gets too hot under the intense tropical sun.
Another new attraction after the renovation is the children's pool. There used to be a landscaped lagoon here, but all that had been removed and now there is a big children's pool in it's place. Like the main pool, the landscaping is a bit bare and there is not enough shade.
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