Monday, September 27, 2010

Incredible Adventure On The Island Sempu

Incredible Adventure On The Island Sempu

Sempu Island is one of the remote islands in the Indonesian state. Precisely there at my timurpulau Java in Malang East Java. on the south coast city poor, his right in the area (sendangbiru) you will be able to see the pseudo island. But there you will not be able to see the beauty of the island. If you want to see the beauty of (Segoro anakaan) Sempu island. You have to cross the first k terlabih island. Then you have to walk through the woods, a distance of about 3 kilometers, which is what when on travel about 3 hours drive. There is no other access k island, unless you have to walk through the forest.

Sempu Island is very beautiful island and is still really natural, because the lords no residents living there. that exhausting journey will be replaced by a stretch of white sand and blue sea is very beautiful when you arrived at the location. Rock that is still untouched, fish fish that roam add beautiful island. Because the locations covered and surrounded by cliffs, the island is really going to give a different nuance. For those of you who like adventure you are sure to come to this island. Your safety will also be guaranteed, because the SAR team will constantly monitor, and will be ready to always help you if you need assistance.

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