Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kota Kinabalu - Marine Aquarium and Museum at University Malaysia Sabah

Did you know there is a Marine Aquarium and Museum at University Malaysia Sabah ? Well now you know. It is open to the public, and entry is free. The size is about half that of the Aquarium at KL Convention Centre, but I guess you can't complain about a freebie.

Actually the Aquarium is not bad. The exhibits are very well maintained and quite attractive. There are some sea creatures which you won't find even at the KLCC Aquarium. 

University Malaysia Sabah is very near 1Borneo. In fact driving from KK Town, you will reach the University before 1Borneo. The campus is huge, and on one side faces the Sepangar Bay. From here you can get a nice view of KK Town.

External view of the Marine Aquarium. Not much to look at from the outside.

The small Museum section.

The marine aquarium is the main attraction here.

A starfish saying hullo. 

Interesting ocean creatures.

Somebody lost their brain ?

These are called "Star of Sepangar". Very interesting and colourful corals.

You should definitely put the Marine Aquarium and Museum on your to do list when you visit KK.

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