Saturday, May 8, 2010

Eating in Kota Kinabalu - Dinner at Twinsky Seafood

One of the most popular spots for seafood in KK is SEDCO Square in the town centre, now renamed as Seri Selera Kampung Air Seafood Complex. It is basically a large open square which has been covered over with a metal-trussed roof, and surrounded by restaurants on 3 sides. Due to the high roof and open design, the place is quite cool and comfortable even on a hot evening. 

This place is huge and there are probably close to a hundred tables in the whole complex. For seafood there are 6 main restaurants. Besides these there are smaller stalls selling satay, sushi, laksa and other local snacks.

On the first night we decided to try Twinsky Seafood Restaurant which I had read about in some blogs. The selection of seafood here is quite mind boggling and it takes a while to look around and make up your mind. In the end we settled on the trusty crabs which were on special - very cheap at RM 20.00 per kg. We also ordered some clams and an oyster omelette. Since I had never tried mantis prawns, we also decided to give it a try.

Before the main dishes arrived, we ordered some chicken satays from a stall. These were quite good - the meat succulent and well marinated.

The first dish to arrive was the clams stirfried with ginger. These were very fresh and tasty.

The oyster omelette was good, it was cooked Penang style which is quite eggy. The oysters were fresh. Dipped in the chili sauce, this is one satisfying dish.

These are commonly called "Sabah Vegetable" as they originate from here. The texture is crunchy, a bit like young asparagus. The taste simple and nice with garlic.

The crabs were cooked in their house style and were quite tasty. Despite the cheap price, the crabs were of good quality with lots of nice firm meat.

The Mantis Prawns were a disappointment. They were quite expensive - about RM 100 per kg, but a bit lacking in taste. There wasn't much meat inside the shells. Stay away from this unless you just want to give it a try.

You can order a whole coconut from the stalls. Coconut juice is a very refreshing drink for a warm tropical night, and goes well with the seafood.

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